associate professor zelan hu-2024欧洲杯平台官网

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associate professor zelan hu
发布时间:2019-05-20   访问次数:424   作者:

contact information

  • office:room 721, researching building 18

  • email:

  • office phone: 86 21 6425 0608


  • 2011.06  ph.d.  biochemistry and molecular biology school of life science and technology, tongji university, shanghai, p. r. china

  • 2004.06  ms.  neurobiology, institute of neurosciences, the fourth military medical university, shaanxi, p. r. china

  • 2001.06  bs.  clinical medicine, the fourth military medical university, shaanxi, p. r.china

professional experience

  • 2014.7- present  associate professor  school of phamacy, east china university of science and technology, shanghai, p. r. china

  • 2014.7- 2016.6  visiting scholar  queensland brain institute, queensland university, brisbane, australia

  • 2013.7- 2014.6  lecturer  school of phamacy, east china university of

science and technology, shanghai, p. r. china

  • 2011.7- 2013.6  postdoctor  school of phamacy, east china university of science and technology, shanghai, p. r. china

  • 2004.7- 2006.6  research assistant  institute of neuroscience, chinese academy of sciences, shanghai, p. r. china

research interests

  • anti-aging drug discovery. fda-approved drugs were used as probes to explore the molecular mechnisms of anti-aging and to discover new anti-aging chemical small molecules via specific chemical alteration.

  • molecular mechnisms on the progression of malignant glioma. we are focusing on the functions of protein tyrosine phosphatases (ptps) to discover potential drug target.


  1. chen, xy., fang, mr., xing, sl., zuo, dm., zhang, p*, hu, zl*. (2018) osteopontin-enriched formula feeding improves the t-cell-dependent humoral immune responses in infant rats. int j food sci nutr, 1-7. (*co-corresponding author).

  2. liu j w, mao l, zhu zc, li k, liao lj, zu y, liu yj, xiong zq, hu zl*, zheng j*. dstyk knockout affects the architecture of f-actin cytoskeleton in mouse renal proximal convoluted tubules. int j clin exp pathol 2017;10(5):6157-6169. (*co-corresponding author)

  3. wang ht, zeng l, chen q, zhang x, liu jw, lu tj, xiong, zq, zheng, j*, hu zl*. beta-catenin is required for maintaining hippocampal morphology during the perinatal period. neuroscience 2014; 284c:273-282.

  4. zhu z, liu y, li k, liu j, wang h, sun b, xiong z. jiang h, zheng j*, hu zl*. protein tyrosine phosphatase u (ptpru) is required for glioma growth and motility. carcinogenesis 2014; 35(8):1901-1910. (*co-corresponding author)

  5. wang ht, zeng l, zhang x, li k, zu y, liu jw, liu yj, zhu zc, xiong zq, zheng j*, hu zl*: inactivation of beta-catenin results in the reduction of postnatal body weight gain. brain res bull 2014; 100:55-60. (*co-corresponding author)

  6. shi m*, hu zl*, zheng mh*, song nn, huang y, zhao g, han h, ding yq: notch-rbpj signaling is required for the development of noradrenergic neurons in the mouse locus coeruleus. j cell sci 2012, 125(pt 18): 4320-4332 (*co-first author).

  7. hu zl, huang y, tao xr, qi zh, chen jy, ding yq: inducible prrxl1-creer(t2) recombination activity in the somatosensory afferent pathway. genesis 2012, 50(7): 552-560.

  8. hu zl*, shi m*, huang y, zheng mh, pei z, chen jy, han h, ding yq: the role of the transcription factor rbpj in the development of dorsal root ganglia. neural dev, 2011, 6:14 (*co-first author).
