杨有军 教授/博导
2024欧洲杯官方网站的联系方式: 电话: 021-64251781 办公室:实验18楼1310 e-mail: youjunyang@ecust.edu.cn 实验室2024欧洲杯官方网站主页: 招生专业:药学一级学科 (博士/学硕/专硕) |

2015-现在 | 华东理工大学药学院
| 教授/博导
| 华东理工大学药学院
| 副教授/博导
| 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
| 博士后(导师: 教授)
| 美国路易斯安那州立大学
| 博士(导师: 教授)
| 中国科技大学
| 本科(导师: 教授)
| 自然科学基金委 | 优秀青年基金 |
2022年 | 上海市科委 | 青年学术带头人 |
2022年 | 华东理工大学 | 东岳奖教金特等奖 |
2018年 | msmlg2018 | czarnik emerging investigator award |
2017年 | 华东理工大学 | 青年英才校长奖 |
2013年 | 上海市科委 | 青年科技启明星 |
2013年 | 华东理工大学 | 研究生课程优秀任课教师一等奖 |
2012年 | 华东理工大学 | 药学院优秀青年教师 |
2012年 | 华东理工大学 | 天鼎东岳奖教金特等奖 |
1. 荧光分子探针的设计开发;
2. 手术导航染料的设计开发;
3. 气体信号分子的控制释放;
4. 氧化还原稳态的精准调控;
5. 抗耐药菌先导的设计开发。
成果发表在nat. comm.、jacs(8篇)、angew. chem. int. ed.(3篇)、pnas、free radic. biol. med.、anal. chem.、org. lett.、chem. comm.、j. org. chem.、sens. actuactors b chem. 等本领域高影响期刊。
53. ruwei wei, yan dong, xueli wang, jin li, zuhai lei, zhubin hu, jinquan chen, haitao sun, hao chen, xiao luo, xuhong qian, youjun yang. rigid and photostable shortwave infrared fluorophore (ec7) absorbing/emitting beyond 1200 nm for high-contrast multiplexed imaging. j. am. chem. soc., 2023, 145, 12013–12022.
52. jin li, ruwei wei, xiaodong zhang, xiao luo, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. a practical synthesis of near-infrared benzannulated xanthenoid dyes.synlett 2023, accepted.
51. yan dong, ye zou, xiaotong jia, lei yin, weiwei he, xiao luo, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. an acidic medium-compatible deep-near-infrared dye for in vivo imaging. smart molecules, 2023, e20230001.
50. yinghua guo, lei yin, xuhong qian, youjun yang, xiao luo*. pet/d-pet (pdp) pairing for the design of dual-channel probes. anal. chem., 2023, 95, 9722–9728.
49. yan dong, xicun lu, yi li, weichao chen, lei yin, jie zhao, xinru hu, xinran li, zuhai lei, yuyang wu, hao chen, xiao luo, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. spectral and biodistributional engineering of deep near-infrared chromophore. chin. chem. lett., 2023, 34, 108154.
48. hui bian, dandan ma, fei pan, xiaodong zhang, kai xin, xinfu zhang, youjun yang*, xiaojun peng*, and yi xiao*. cardiolipin-targeted nir-ii fluorophore causes “avalanche effects” for re-engaging cancer apoptosis and inhibiting metastasis. j. am. chem. soc. 2022, 144, 22562–22573.
47. jin li, yan dong, ruwei wei, guanyu jiang, cheng yao, meng lv, yuyang wu, sarah h. gardner, feng zhang, melissa y. lucero, jian huang, hao chen, guangbo ge, jefferson chan, jinquan chen, haitao sun, xiao luo, xuhong qian, and youjun yang*. stable, bright, and long-fluorescence-lifetime dyes for deep-near-infrared bioimaging. j. am. chem. soc. 2022, 144, 14351–14362.
46. linfeng xing†, bin wang†, jin li†, xinjian guo, xicun lu, xiaohua chen, haitao sun, zhenrong sun, xiao luo*, suhua qi*, xuhong qian*, youjun yang*. “a fluorogenic onoo--triggered carbon monoxide donor for mitigating brain ischemic damage.” j. am. chem. soc., 2022, 144, 2114-2119.
45. yansheng xiao, yunxia huang, zhenhua zeng, xiao luo*, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “harnessing thorpe–ingold dialkylation to access high-hill-percentage ph probes.” j. org. chem., 2021, 87, 85-93. 20211227.
44. meng lv, xicun lu, yanrong jiang, mara e. sandoval-salinas, david casanova*, haitao sun, zhenrong sun, jianhua xu, youjun yang*, jinquan chen* “near-unity triplet generation promoted via spiro-conjugation.” angew. chem. int. ed., 2022, doi.org/10.1002/anie.202113190.
43. hui bian, dandan ma, xinfu zhang*, kai xin, youjun yang*, xiaojun peng*, yi xiao*. tailored engineering of novel xanthonium polymethine dyes for synergetic pdt and ptt triggered by 1064 nm laser toward deep-seated tumors.small 2021, 17, 2100398.
42. ying zheng#, zhiwei ye#, *, zengjin liu*, wei yang, xinfu zhang, youjun yang*, yi xiao*. nitroso-caged rhodamine: “a superior green light-activatable fluorophore for single-molecule localization super-resolution imaging.” anal. chem., 2021, 93, 7833-7842.
41. yang yu, xiaodong zhang, yan dong, xiao luo*, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. fusing the nagano’s and the anslyn’s chemistry for lyso-specifc no detection.sens. actuators b chem.,2021, 346, 130562.
40. xiaodong zhang, mengmeng zhang, yu yan, mingkang wang, jin li, yang yu, yi xiao*, xiao luo, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “dihydro-si-rhodamine for live-cell localization microscopy.” chem. commun.,2021. 57, 7553-7556. 20210701.
39. fang hu, yunxia huang, yansheng xiao, yanchun li, xiao luo*, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “a dual-channel hill-type small-molecule ph probe.” anal. methods. 2021,
38. yinghua guo, xinru wang, yan feng, xiao luo, xiangming meng*, xuhong qian, youjun yang.* “imaging of lysosomal oxidative stress during autophagy with a ratiometric probe featuring a large probe-product spectral separation.” sens. actuators b chem., 2021, 335, 129713.
37. yansheng xiao, yunxia huang, zhenhua zeng, xiao luo*, xuhong qian, youjun yang.* “harnessing thorpe-ingold dialkylation to access high hill-percentage ph probes." sens. actuators b chem., 2021, 335, 129712.
36. yansheng xiao, fang hu, xiao luo*, mingming zhao, zhenglong sun*, xuhong qian*, youjun yang.* “modulating the pka values of hill-type ph probes for biorelevant acidic ph range.” acs appl. bio. mater., 2021, 4, 2097-2103.
35. xiu xuǂ, meiling sunǂ, xiao luoǂ, ziqian zhang, lin su, lingfei cui, zhihui zhu, xicun lu, rui wang, feng han*, xuhong qian, youjun yang.* “one-electron reduction triggered nitric oxide release for ischemia-reperfusion protection.” free radic. biol. med., 2021, 164, 13-19.
34. ziqian zhang, xiao luo, youjun yang*. “from spontaneous to photo-triggered and photo-calibrated nitric oxide donors”. isr. j. chem., 2020, 61, 159-168.
33. kai xin‡, xinxing li‡, yinghua guo‡, youhuan zhong‡, jungang wang, haotian yang, jie zhao, chunlei guo, yunxia huang, zuhai lei, yi-lun ying, xiao luo*, haolu wang, xuhong qian, wen yang*, xiaowen liang*, youjun yang*. “a mono-chromophoric approach to succinct ratiometric fluorescent probes without probe-product crosstalk.” ccs chemistry, 2020, 2, 2307–2315.
32. xiao luo, yan chen, yanchun li, zhenglong sun*, weihong zhu*, xuhong qian*, youjun yang*, “structurally-thrifty and visible-absorbing fluorophores.” spectrochimica acta part a, 2021, 245, 118907.
31. luyan gu†, lujia zhang†, xiao luo*, ying zheng, zhiwei ye, meng lv, jinquan chen, chunlai chen*, yi xiao, weihong zhu, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “the mechano donor-acceptor coupling (mdac) approach for uni-directional multi-state fluorochromism.” sci china: chem., 2020, doi: 10.1007/s11426-020-9874-6.
30. meng lv†, yang yu†, maría e. sandoval-salinas†, jianhua xu, zuhai lei*, david casanova*, youjun yang*, jinquan chen*. “engineering the charge-transfer state to facilitate spin-orbit charge transfer intersystem crossing in spirobis[anthracene]diones.” angew. chem. int. ed., 2020,
29. dawei jiang,‡ lei cheng,‡ yudong xue, chao chen, chaochao wang, guoliang yang, an xu,* youjun yang,* yun gao, weian zhang*. “modulation of the lifespan of c. elegans by the controlled release of nitric oxide.” chem. sci., 2020, 11, 8785-8792.
28. xiao luo, youjun yang*, xuhong qian*. “recent progresses on the development of thioxo-naphthalimides.” chin. chem. lett., 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.cclet.2020.07.009.
27. xiao luo, luyan gu, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “molecular probe design via the ‘covalent-assembly’” principle. chem. commun., 2020, 56, 9067-9078.
26. 11, 1394-1403
25. xiao luo, jin li, jie zhao, luyan gu, xuhong qian*, youjun yang*. “a general approach to the design of high-performance near-infrared (nir) d-p-a type fluorescent dyes.” chin. chem. lett., 2019, 30, 839-846.
24. zuhai lei, kai xin, shaobing qiu, liling hou, xiangming meng*, youjun yang*. “a threshold-limited fluorescence probes for viscosity.” front. chem., 2019, 7, 342.
22. shaobing qiu, dongdong dai, chunlei guo, zhenglong sun, hui li, xuhong qian*, youjun yang*. “amino-substituted c-coumarins: synthesis, spectral characterizations and their applications in cell imaging” dyes pigments, 2019, 163, 55-61.
21. shaobing qiu, chunlei guo, mingkang wang, zhenglong sun, hui li, xuhong qian* and youjun yang*. “mild dealkylative n-nitrosation of n,n-dialkylaniline derivatives for convenient preparation of photo-triggered and photo-calibrated no donors.” org. chem. front., 2018, 5, 3206-3209.
20. haihong he, tingting he, ziqian zhang, xiu xu, huibin yang, xuhong qian, youjunyang*. “ring-restricted n-nitrosated rhodamine as a green-ight triggered, orange-emission calibrated and fast-releasing nitric oxide donor.” chin. chem. lett., 2018, 10, 1497-1499.
18. haihong he, yuxin liu, zhongneng zhou, chunlei guo, hong-yin wang, zhuang wang, xueli wang, ziqian zhang, fu-gen wu, haolu wang, daijie chen, dahai yang, xiaowen liang,* jinquan chen,* shengmin zhou,* xin liang,* xuhong qian, youjun yang.* a photo-triggered and photo-calibrated nitric oxide donor: rational design, spectral characterizations, and biological applications. free radical biol. med., 2018, doi://frb_frbm-d-18-00121.
17. xiao luo, haotian yang, haolu wang, zhiwei ye, zhongneng zhou, luyan gu, jinquan chen , yi xiao, xiaowen liang*, xuhong qian, and youjun yang*. highly sensitive hill-type small-molecule ph probe that recognizes the reversed ph gradient of cancer cells. anal. chem., 2018, 90, 5803–5809
16. haihong he, yuxin liu, zhongneng zhou, yang xia, yingxue qi, zhuang wang, hong-yin wang, xueli wang, jianming bao, ziqian zhang, fu-gen wu, haolu wang, daijie chen, dahai yang, xiaowen liang,* jinquan chen,* shengmin zhou,* xin liang,* xuhong qian, youjun yang.* “water-soluble, green-light triggered and photo-calibrated nitric oxide donors for biological applications.” bioconjugate chem., 2018, 29, 1194-1198.
15. haihong he, zhiwei ye, ying zheng, xiu xu, chunlei guo, yi xiao,* wei yang,* xuhong qian,* and youjun yang*. “super-resolution imaging of lysosomes with a nitroso-caged rhodamine.” chem. commum., 2018, 54, 2842-2845.
14. haihong he, zhiwei ye, yi xiao,* wei yang,* xuhong qian,* youjun yang*. “super-resolution monitoring of mitochondrial dynamics upon time-gated photo-triggered release of nitric oxide.” anal. chem., 2018, 90, 2164-2169.
13. zuhai lei, zhenhua zeng, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “a novel chromogenic and fluorogenic scaffold for detection of oxidative radicals.” chin. chem. lett., 2017, 28, 2001-2004.
12. zuhai lei, ping yue, xueli wang, xinran li, yi li, haihong he, xiao luo, xiangming meng*, jinquan chen*, xuhong qian*, youjun yang*. “tpz, a bright centrosymmetric two-photon scaffold for bioimaging.” chem. commun., 2017, 53, 10938-10941.
11. zuhai lei, xinran li, xiao luo, haihong he, jing zheng, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “bright, stable and biocompatible organic fluorophores absorbing/emitting in the deep near-infrared spectral region.” angew. chem. int. ed., 2017, 56, 2979-2983. highlighted by sci. transl. med, doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aam6065.
10. ziqian zhang, yi li, haihong he, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “mild chemo-triggered genetration of a fluorophore-tethered diazoalkane species via smiles rearrangement.” org. lett., 2016, 18, 4674-4677.
9. ziqian zhang, jiayao wu, zhihao shang, chao wang, jiagao cheng, xuhong qian, yi xiao*, zhiping xu*, youjun yang.* “photo-calibrated no release from n-nitrosated napthalimides upon one-photon or two-photon irradiation.” anal. chem., 2016, 88, 7274-7280.
8. quanjuan zhang, na zhang, yi-tao long, xuhong qian, youjun yang*. “understanding the selectivity of a multi-channel fluorescent probe for peroxynitrite over hypochlorite.” bioconjugate chem., 2016, 27, 341-353.
7. zuhai, lei; xinran li; yi li; xiao luo; miaomiao zhou; youjun yang*. “synthesis of sterically protected xanthene dyes with bulky groups at c-3’ and c-7’.” j. org. chem., 2015, 80, 11538-11543.
6. yanming shen, zhihao shang, yanhong yang, shaojia zhu, xuhong qian, ping shi*, jing zheng*, and youjun yang*. “structurally rigid 9-amino-benzo[c]cinnoliniums make up a class of compact and large stokes-shift fluorescent dyes for cell-based imaging applications.” j. org. chem., 2015, 80, 5906−5911.
5. yanming shen, quanjuan zhang, xuhong qian, and youjun yang*. “practical assay for nitrite and nitrosothiol as an alternative to the griess assay or the 2,3-diaminonaphthalene assay.” anal. chem., 2015, 87, 1274-1280.
4. ziqian zhang, baoyan zhang, xuhong qian, zhong li, zhiping xu*, youjun yang*. simultaneous quantification of hg2 and mehg in aqueous media by a single fluorescent probe via multiplexing in the time domain. anal. chem., 2014, 86, 11919-11924.
3. linlin song, zuhai lei, baoyan zhang, zhiping xu*, zhong li* and youjun yang*. “a zero-background fluorescent probe for hg2 designed via the covalent-assembly principle.” anal. methods, 2014, 6, 7597-7600.
2. zuhai lei, youjun yang*. a concise colorimetric and fluorimetric probe for sarin related threats designed via the covalent-assembly approach. j. am. chem. soc., 2014, 136, 6594−6597. highlight in advances in engineering.
1. quanjuan zhang, zhichuan zhu, yongli zheng, jiagao cheng, na zhang, yi-tao long, jing zheng, xuhong qian, and youjun yang*. “a three-channel fluorescent probe that distinguishes peroxynitrite from hypochlorite.” j. am. chem. soc., 2012, 134, 18479-18482.
below are publications from graduate and post-doc works.
7. youjun yang, balazs szamosfalvi, jerry yee, stanley frinak, eric v. anslyn*. “development of an online citrate/ca2 sensing system for dialysis,” analyst, 2011, 136, 317-320.
6. youjun yang, stephanie k. seidlits, michelle m. adams, vincent m. lynch, christine e. schmidt, eric v. anslyn*, jason b. shear*. “a highly selective low background fluorescent imaging agent for nitric oxide,” j. am. chem. soc., 2010, 132, 13114-13116.
5. youjun yang, mark lowry, xiangyang xu, jorge o. escobedo, martha sibrian -vazquez, lisa wong, corin m. schowalter, timothy j. jensen, frank r. fronczek, isiah m. warner, robert m. strongin*. “seminaphthofluorones are a family of water-soluble, low molecular weight, nir-emitting fluorophores,” proc. natl. acad. sci. usa2008, 105, 8829-8834. highlights in chemical and engineering news, “near-ir imaging goes further”, september 22, 2008 issue.
4. youjun yang, mark lowry, corin m. schowalter, sayo o. fakayode, jorge o. escobedo, xiangyang xu, huating zhang, timothy j. jensen, frank r. fronczek, isiah m. warner, robert m. strongin*. “an organic white light-emitting fluorophore,” j. am. chem. soc., 2006, 128, 14081 -14092. (addition and correction) j. am. chem. soc., 2007, 129, 1008-1008. highlights in biophotonics international, “fluorophores emit white light”, december 2006 issue and in photonics spectra, “white light emitting fluorophore has solid state applications”, january 2007 issue.
3. youjun yang, jorge o. escobedo, alexander wong, corin m. schowalter, michael c. touchy, lijuan jiao, william e. crowe, frank r. fronczek, robert m. strongin*. “a convenient preparation of xanthene dyes,” j. org. chem., 2005, 70 (17), 6907-6912.
2. youjun yang, patrick t. lewis, jorge. o. escobedo, nadia n. st. luce, dale w. treleaven, robert l. cook, robert m. strongin*. “mild colorimetric detection of sialic acid”, coll. czech. chem. comms., 2004, 69, 1282-1291.
1. guan-wu wang*, li-juan jiao, er-hong hao, yu-ming lu, you-jun yang. “aggregation properties of an amphiphilic methanofullerene derivative in thf-h2o solvent mixtures”, chin. chem. letts., 2004, 15, 579-582.