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刘建文  教授 博士生导师

电话: 021-64252044 ;021-64252262

传真: 021-64252044



    刘建文,1994年毕业于上海中医药大学获得医学博士学位;1995年应日本国科学技术厅邀请,作为sta fellow在大阪生物科学研究所(osaka bioscience institute)和日本理化学研究所(institute of physical and chemical research)进行客座研究。研究天然药物对血管内皮细胞纤溶活性因子的基因调空作用。2001年毕业于日本广岛大学(省立)遗传子制御工学研究室,研究自由基与癌转移的过程及实验药物干预的分子机理,获得应用生物科学博士学位。现主要研究方向:细胞周期阻滞及凋亡诱导剂的发现与作用机理研究;肿瘤细胞凋亡小分子rna表达、调控的研究及其在新药研发中的应用;基于肿瘤光动力的分子模型的建立及先导化合物的发现研究。通过整体动物水平,离体细胞和分子水平研究新物质的药理药效学作用和机理,研究新物质对靶细胞作用后的蛋白水平,基因水平的影响,建立了以肿瘤学为主的分子细胞药理学研究特色。曾在国际肿瘤治疗学领域发现了通过抑制肿瘤细胞内的ros(reactive oxygen species),可以达到抑制癌细胞浸润转移的目的,该研究为开发非杀伤性抗癌转移的药物提出新的科学依据。论文被学术界引用和国际学术会议交流。主持国家和省部级科研课题。参与获得省部级科研成果一等奖2项、二等奖6项,三等奖3项申请发明专利11项,国际发明专利1项,发表国内外论文近140篇,其中sci收录82篇。主编《药理实验方法学新技术与新方法》,《生物资源中活性物质的开发与利用》,参编《血管内皮细胞与疾病》,《生物抗氧化剂》(日文)。







3. 基于肿瘤光动力的分子模型的建立及先导化合物的发现研究


5. 纳米材料与技术在生命科学中的应用基础研究





2014年度高等学校科学研究 自然科学奖一等奖

2014年度高等学校科学研究 科技进步奖二等奖

2014年度中华医学科技奖 二等奖


1.  盛民立,刘建文 等: 《血管内皮细胞与疾病》 上海医科大学出版社(上海,1993, 12.isbn  7562701768/r.167
三羽信比古,刘建文 等: 《生物抗氧化剂》日本fragrance杂志社 1999, 9, 30.(日文)isbn  4894790173
刘建文 主编 《药理实验方法学新技术与新方法》化学工业出版社生物医药出版中心(北京,2003.5isbn  7502532714
三羽信比古,刘建文 等: 《美肤,皮肤防护与生物技术》日本cmc杂志社 2003.7(日文)isbn  4882314088
刘建文,贾伟主编《生物资源中活性物质的开发与利用》化学工业出版社(北京,2005.5isbn  7502571337
李仪奎主编,刘建文 参编 《中药药理实验方法学》 上海科学技术出版社 (上海,2006.5

7.刘建文 主编 《药理实验方法学新技术与新方法》化学工业出版社生物医药出版中心(北京,2008.1第二版)isbn  978-7-112-01064-3/r.965.2

8.刘建文主编 《药理学》十一五国家重点图书,普通高等教育制药类专业规划教材,华东理工大学出版社(上海,2010.4isbn  978756282753-5/r.18

9. 陈奇主编,刘建文参编 《中药药理研究方法学》 人民卫生出版社 (北京2011.12isbn  978711714398-1/r.14399

10.陈奇,张伯礼主编,刘建文参编《中药药效研究方法学》人民卫生出版社(北京2016.5isbn  978711722052-1/r.22053



1. wen xu, jianwen liu*, changlong li, he-zhen wu, yan-wen liu: kaempferol-7-o-β-d-glucoside (kg) isolated from smilax china l. rhizome induces g2/m phase arrest and apoptosis on hela cells in a p53-independent manner. cancer letters  2008,264: 229–240.


2. jin wang, aibin wu, yufang xu, jianwen liu*, xuhong qian* m2-a, a novel amonafide analogue, induces apoptosis and g2-m arrest via inhibiting pi3k/akt pathway on hl60 cells. cancer letters 2009,283:193–202.


3. mingcang chen, yiyi ye, jianwen liu,* guang ji  hesperidin upregulates heme oxygenase-1 to attenuate hydrogen peroxide-induced cell damage in hepatic l02 cells.  j. agric. food chem 2010, 58:3330–3335. 


4. xin liang, yufang xu, ke xu, jianwen liu*, and xuhong qian. b1, a novel amonafide analogue, overcomes the resistance conferred by bcl-2 in human promyelocytic leukemia hl60 cells.  mol cancer res, 2010, 8:1619-1632.


5. xin liang, aibin wu, yufang xu, ke xu, jianwen liu*, xuhong qian* :b1, a novel naphthalimide-based visible light activatable photonuclease, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via chk2-p53 pathway in hela cells.  invest new drugs 2011, 29, (4): 646-658.


6. xin liang , ke xu, yufang xu, jianwen liu* , xuhong qian: b1-induced caspase-independent apoptosis in mcf-7 cells is mediated by down-regulation of bcl-2 via p53 binding to p2 promoter tata box. toxicol appl pharm 2011,256 : 52–61.


7. ke shen, qiannan liang, ke xu, daling cui, lin jiang, peihao yin, yanhua lu, qi li, jianwen liu*: mir-139 inhibits invasion and metastasis of colorectal cancer by targeting the type i  insulin-like growth factor receptor.  biochem pharmacol    2012,84:320–330. 


8. ke xu, xin liang, ke shen, daling cui, yuanhong zheng,jianhua xu, zhongze fan, yanyan qiu, qi li, lei ni, jianwen liu*: mir-297 modulate multidrug resistance in human colorectal carcinoma by down-regulating mrp-2.  biochem j 2012, 446(2): 291-300.

9. ke xu, xin liang, ke shen, liyun sun, daling cui, yuxia zhao, jianhui tian, lei ni, jianwen liu*: mir-222modulatesmultidrug resistance in human colorectal carcinoma by down-regulating adam-17.  exp cell res 2012, 318: 2168–2177.


10. ke xu, xin liang, daling cui, yixin wu, weibin shi and jianwen liu*: mir-1915 inhibits bcl-2 to modulate multidrug resistance by increasing drug-sensitivity in human colorectal carcinoma cells.  mol carcinogen 2013, 52:70–78 .


11. ke shen, liyun sun, huanying zhang, yufang xu, xuhong qian, yanhua lu, qi li, lei ni, jianwen liu*:a ros-mediated lysosomal–mitochondrial pathway is induced by a novel amonafide analogue, 7c, in human hela cervix carcinoma cells. cancer letters 2013,333: 229–238. 


12. ke shen, li ma, yi li, yanyan qiu, daling cui, yanhua lu, peihao yin, jianwen liu*: a post-transcriptional regulation of tumor suppressor mir-139-5p and a network of mir-139-5p mediated mrnas interactions in colorectal cancer. febs journal  2014, 281: 3609–3624.


13. yichun xu, shuai han, xinhua huang, shichao zhuo, huiqing dai, ke wang, zhou li, jianwen liu*. an effective method based on real time fluorescence quenching for single nucleotide polymorphism detection. journal of biotechnology 2014,186:156–161.


14. van-minh le, jing-jing wang, ming yuan, the-long nguyen, gui-fang ying, yuan-hong zheng, wei-bin shi, mei-dong lang, lei-ming xu, jianwen liu*: an investigation of antitumor efficiency of novel sustained and targeted 5-fluorouracil nanoparticles. european journal of medicinal chemistry  2015,92: 882-889.


15. yuanhong zheng, fangyuan zou, jingjing wang, guifang yin, vanminh le, zhewei fei, and jianwen liu*: photodynamic therapy-mediated cancer vaccination enhances stem-like phenotype and immune escape, which can be blocked by thrombospondin-1 signaling through cd47 receptor protein. j biol chem. 2015, 290, 8975-8986. 


16rurong mao, fangyuan zou, liyan yang, shengchao lin, yueqi li, mingxing ma, peihao yin, xin liang, jianwen liu*: the loss of mir-139-5p promotes colitis-associated tumorigenesis by mediating pi3k/akt/wnt signaling int j biochem cell b   2015, 69:153–161.


17, shengchao lin, kecheng lei, wenpei du, liyan yang, haiyang shi, yuwei gao,

peihao yin, xin liang, jianwen liu*: enhancement of oxaliplatin sensitivity in human colorectal cancer by hypericin mediated photodynamic therapy via ros-related mechanism. int j biochem cell b 2016,71: 24–34.


18. yuanhong zheng, guifang yin, vanminh le, anle zhang, peihao yin, jianwen liu*, photodynamic-therapy activates immune response by disrupting immunity homeostasis of tumor cells, which generates vaccine for cancer therapy int j biol sci  2016; 12(1): 120-132.


liyan yang, yue ding, peng zhang, jiyu li, xin liang*, jianwen liu*: targeted deletion of mir-139-5p enhances colon inflammation and tumorigenesis through negatively regulating mapk, nf-κb, and stat3 signaling pathwaysfebs journal, 2016, 283:1438-1452.


20.jie li, kecheng lei, zengrui wu, weihua li, guixia liu, jianwen liu*, feixiong cheng, yun tang: network-based identification of micrornas as potential pharmacogenomic biomarkers for anticancer drugs. oncotarget2016,7(29): 45584-45596.


21. lin zhou, xin liang2, lingling zhang, liyan yang, norio nagao, hongkun wu, chang liu, shengchao lin, guoxiang cai, jianwen liu*: mir-27a-3p functions as an oncogene in gastric cancer by targeting btg2. oncotarget  2016, 32(7): 51943-51954.


22. ke xu, ke shen, xin liang, yueqi li, norio nagao, jiyu li, jianwen liu*, peihao yin: mir-139-5p reverses cd44 /cd133 -associated multidrug resistance by downregulating notch1 in colorectal carcinoma cells oncotarget, 2016,7(46): 75118-75129.


23xin liang, haiyang shi, liyan yang, cen qiu, shengchao lin, yingxue qi, jiyu li, aiguang zhao, and jianwen liu*: inhibition of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein 3 induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest, and enhances the cytotoxicity of 5- fluorouracil in gastric cancer cells.  br j cancer. 2017,116(7):903-911.


24lei k, liang x, gao y , xu b, xu y , li y , tao y , shi w, liu j*. lnc-atb contributes to gastric cancer growth through a mir-141-3p/tgfβ2 feed back loop. biochemical and biophysical research communications 2017;484(3): 514-521.
