ap de silv-2024欧洲杯平台官网

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ap de silv  教授 
  professor of chemistry, queen’s university of belfast,1997-
reader in chemistry, queen’s university of belfast, 1991-97
lecturer in chemistry, queen’s university of belfast, 1986-91
lecturer in chemistry, university of colombo, sri lanka, 1980-86
postdoctoral research assistant in organic chemistry, queen’s university of belfast, 1979-80
assistant lecturer in chemistry, university of sri lanka, colombo campus, 1975-76

  fluorescent sensors and logic gates

  1. editorial board, chemical society reviews, 1999-2004
2. visiting research professor, institute of fundamental studies, kandy, sri lanka, 2000-
3. section editor, ‘molecular-level electronics’ in ‘balzani’s electron transfer in chemistry’, wiley-vch, weinheim, germany, 2001
4. editorial board, journal of fluorescence, 2002-
5. member, royal irish academy, 2002-
6. monkasho/british council visiting professor, nara women’s university, japan, 2003
7. visiting professor, universite de louis pasteur, strasbourg, france, 2004
8. british council high school seminar speaker, nara and tokyo, japan, 8-16 january2004
9. fellow, royal society of chemistry, 2004-
10. guest co-editor, journal of materials chemistry,  themed issue on fluorescent sensors, 2005


  1. avecia ltd
 “the anchoring of fluorescent sensors in organic polymer environments”
 uk£11,700 1/10/99-30/9/02
2.  european community
 “human potential - research training network on molecular-level devices and  machines”
 eu176,765 ca1/3/02-31/12/04
3.  procter & gamble eurocor n.v.. (brussels, belgium)
 “monitoring free calcium/magnesium concentrations through the wash via sensors”
 uk£83,750 1/11/02-31/10/04
4.  japan society for the promotion of science (with k. iwai as co-investigator)
 “synthesis of fluorogenic sensors and logic gates and application to macromolecular systems”
 uk£101,000 (66% to be spent at queen’s)  1/4/03-31/3/05
5.  eu programme for peace and reconciliation / invest ni
 “molecular nanotechnologies: for sensing/swiching and logic operations”
 uk£81,352  ca1/5/03-30/4/05
6.  european social fund
 “molecular logic gates bound to solids”
 uk£25,000  1/9/02-31/8/05
7.  british council grant for high school seminars in japan
 “messages from molecules; optical signalling systems”
 uk£3,620  9/1/04-15/1/05
8.    eu cost programme d19/008/03 working group
 "design, preparation and control of nanodevices using light".
 uk£500  20/2/04-
9. deutsche akademische austausch dienst (with j. vyle as principal investigator)
 "synthesis and applications of photoswitchable l-ribozymes".
 uk£18,000  01/3/04-28/2/05
10.  japan society for the promotion of science
 “nanoenvironment photosensing and chemical computation in membranes and oligonucleotides”
uk£50,000 (returned, since the fellow also won an assistant professorship at the university of tokyo)  1/4/05-31/3/07

