kaiyan lou, ph.d, associate professor
电话 (tel):021-64253299
p.o.box 268,130 meilong road,shanghai,china 200237
个人简介(educational background)
1996年7月毕业浙江大学化学系获理学学士学位,2001年毕业于华东理工大学化学与制药学院应用化学专业获硕士学位,2007年毕业于美国堪萨斯州立大学化学系获有机化学博士学位,之后先后在美国堪萨斯州立大学和美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校从事博士后研究工作,2012年2月回国工作,加入华东理工大学药学院,主要从事化学生物学领域有机小分子荧光探针的研究。在pnas、jacs 、chem. commun.、anal. chem.等杂志已发表学术论文40余篇。获上海浦江人才计划和国家自然科学基金面上项目等资助。
主要研究方向(research area)
实验室成员(group members)
近五年代表性论文(selected publications in the past five years)
1.xing w, xu h, ma h, abedi s a a, wang s, zhang x, liu x, xu h*, wang w*, lou k* a pet-based fluorescent probe for monitoring labile fe(ii) pools in macrophage activations and ferroptosis. chem. commun.2022, 58, 2979-2982.
2.wang w#, chen j#, ma h, xing w, lv n, zhang b, xu h*, wang w*, lou k* an "and"-logic-gate-based fluorescent probe with dual reactive sites for monitoring extracellular methylglyoxal level changes of activated macrophages. chem. commun.2021, 57, 8166-8169.
3.ma h, lin j, li l, ding z, huang p, song x, lou k*, wang w*, xu h* formaldehyde reinforces pro-inflammatory responses of macrophages through induction of glycolysis. chemsphere2021, 282, 131149.
4.chen j, wang, n, tong h, song c, ma h, zhang y, gao f, xu h, wang w*, lou k* a compact fluorescence/circular dichroism dual-modality probe for detection, differentiation, and detoxification of multiple heavy metal ions via bond-cleavage cascade reactions. chin. chem. lett.2021, 32, 3876-3881.
5.xu h#, liu q#, song x#, wang c, wang x, ma s, wang x, feng y, meng x, liu x*, wang w*, lou k* fluorophore promoted facile deprotonation and exocyclic five-membered ring cyclization for selective and dynamic tracking labile glyoxals. anal. chem. 2020, 13829-13838.
6.xu h, ma s, liu q, huang l, wu p, liu x, huang y, wang x, xu h*, lou k*, wang w* a naphthalimide-aminal-based ph-sensitive fluorescent donor for lysosome-targeted formaldehyde release and fluorescence turn-on readout. chem. commun. 2019, 55, 7053-7056.
7.xu h, xu h, ma s, chen x, huang l, chen j, gao f, wang r, lou k*, wang w* analyte regeneration fluorescent probes for formaldehyde enabled by regiospecific formaldehyde-induced intramolecularity. j. am. chem. soc. 2018, 140, 16408-16412.
8.tong h, zhao j, li x, zhang y, ma s, lou k*,wang w* orchestration of dual cyclization processes and dual quenching mechanisms for enhanced selectivity and drastic fluorescence turn-on detection of cysteine. chem. commun.2017, 53, 3583-3586.
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